Saturday, July 14, 2007

22 Weeks

Today I am officially entering into my 6th month! I cannot believe how fast it is going by. We attended our first Bradley birthing class last Tuesday night. It was such a great class and it was really encouraging. There is only one other couple taking the course with us and they seem great. We chose to take the Bradley class instead of the course offered through the hospital because of its emphasis on natural childbirth and on educating the father in a way that will allow them to coach the wife through childbirth. Jeremy is really excited about the class and it has already been a great way for him to become more involved with the pregnancy. Our first class taught us about exercises that we can do during pregnancy to better prepare our bodies for labor. They have been alot of fun and have helped alot with back pain. Our next class is dealing with nutrition. We had a couple come visit our class last week and they had a 2 week old little girl named Hope. They were such an encouraging couple and come to find out, they were patients of Dr. Morales. Not only that, but they were the couple that Dr. Morales told us about who chose not to find out the sex of their baby so it was really awesome to get to meet them and hear their story. They said the thrill of finding out the sex of the baby in the birthing room was unlike anything they have ever experienced.

I began the last two weeks of my practicum this past Thursday. So, I still have 8 days remaining. Everything has gone well so far although I have definitely been tired by the end of the 10 hour days. My favorite part is seeing the newborn babies! I am sure that has something to do with me being pregnant but whatever the reason, I love them. ;)

This past Monday we were able to get our carpet cleaned as a gift for renewing our lease at our apartment. Slowly but surely we are getting the place ready for the new baby! We are just so blessed that the pregnancy is going well and that Baby Wolter is doing great! Thank you for your prayers and support.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

21 Weeks - The Halfway Point

I am now 21 weeks! Today actually marks the halfway point of the actual pregnancy. My pregnancy journal says that the baby sucks its thumb every once in awhile now but we have yet to see that on ultrasound...even though we get one every time we go. As I am typing, I can feel the baby moving around. The best times are when the baby decides to rearrange itself (which usually happens right after I decide to lay down) and I can feel the different parts of the baby's body moving under my hand. It is incredible. My waist has grown almost an inch in the past week bringing it to 34 inches.

We just got back from visiting Jeremy's mom and husband in St. Augustine from Wednesday, July 4th, until Friday night. It was alot of fun and we were able to see the fireworks right over the bay. They were amazing. We were also able to visit our friends Carin and Mike and their family and Jeremy's aunt and cousin. On our way back from St. Augustine, we stopped at the Motherhood outlet store and I bought a new sundress. We also stopped at Babies R Us, since we don't have one here, and made sure we liked all the stuff we picked out online. We received a free gift box with lots of great baby stuff in there. My friend Cassie sent me a lullaby CD for the baby which is so precious. I am continuing to clean out my closets to make room for the little one. ;) We still haven't decided on a boy or girl name yet but we plan to go to Borders and look through their books soon.