Thursday, August 16, 2007

26 Weeks and 5 Days

I started school this past Monday, August 13th. So far everything is going really well. I am starting to feel tired today but I think that has more to do with getting up at 6:15 every morning than anything else. I can't believe how fast the time is going. It was fun getting to see all of my classmates again and getting to talk about the baby with them. We have to pick what regional campus we want to go to for my third and fourth year of medical school on August 31st. It is a tough decision.

The baby is doing great, I can feel him/her kick all the time. It is so fun to feel the baby kick during lecture. ;) I have my next doctor's appointment on Tuesday August 21st. It is with Dr. Hall and his ultrasound machine prints out pictures so I should have a new picture of the baby then! Our birthing classes are going great. We just had a class on second stage labor or the actual pushing out of the baby. Jeremy and I are starting to get really excited about having the baby. Overall, I am feeling great and I am loving every minute of being pregnant!

Friday, August 3, 2007

24 Weeks and 6 Days

We went and saw Dr. Morales on the 25th of July. The baby looked great and is right on track with his/her growth. The baby weighed 1 and 1/4 lbs. We were able to see the baby's eyes and watch him/her move all around. We did not get a picture of the baby because the ultrasound machine that we were using did not have a printer. So, we scheduled an appointment using that machine in late August. Then, you will get to see the baby!!

The baby's kicking has definitely picked up in frequency and intensity lately. It is so much fun to sit and watch my belly move all around. Jeremy is amazed at how much the baby moves. I have been having some back pain but otherwise I feel great. Oh, and I do have a little bit of a cold but it's almost gone. I finished my practicum on the 25th of July which was great. I really enjoyed myself but I was definitely tired at the end of the day. I am getting really excited about my showers that are coming up soon. I can't wait to see all the adorable baby stuff! I have been having so many dreams lately of taking care of the baby and in every dream the baby has been a girl. ;) I start back to school on the 13th so I have a little more than a week of vacation left. I am actually starting to get excited about going back though so it's not all bad. ;) Jeremy is still looking into jobs and he has a few opportunities. We have been looking a little more closely at baby names and we are starting to narrow them down.

Thanks again for all of your support and prayers!