Friday, February 29, 2008

Month 4: Cereal, Peas, and Trying to Roll Over!!

I can't believe how fast time is seems like everyday when I come home from school that Jude has grown so much! It has been so much fun having a little one around, he makes life so much more enjoyable. The weather has been beautiful here so we have been able to take lots of walks at Tom Brown Park and also around Southwood. Our stroller broke but the company is sending us a new one right away so I highly recommend Chicco. ;) We don't have to send the old one back or anything.

Jude has made so much progress during this past month...I don't even know where to begin. For starters, he is now eating peas and rice cereal. He loves them both! He had a doctor's appoitment on February 14th and he received his second round of immunizations. Dr. Sowande told us that he could start eating solids since he was holding his head up so well. He is completely on track with everything developmentally and he was in the 50% percentile for height and head circumference. His weight was a little low but Dr. Sowande thought the measurement might have been wrong because he is clearly not too skinny. ;) He is now 25 inches long and they said he weighed 12.5 lbs. He is getting so big!!

Jude is also trying to roll over. It is so fun to watch him get halfway and then scoot around because he just can't quite get enough momentum to roll completely over. I am sure it will happen any day though. Four days ago he was able to roll halfway over but he landed on his arm and he could not figure out how to get it free!

Jude loves his toys now and he is extremely fond of his jungle gym. He lays on there for 30 minutes at a time just looking at his animals. He actually started grabbing at them a few days ago. He has been putting his hands in his mouth non-stop for the past couple of weeks and he has been drooling alot. Dr. Sowande said that he could be experiencing pain from his teeth trying to come in although we may not see them for awhile. He has been a little more fussy than usual so that's what we think it is.

He has been sleeping well in his crib. We got a CD player for his room and put his lullabies on and that seemed to do the trick. We also took Barb and Dave's advice about giving him a bath before bed and I also nurse him in the rocking chair. He doesn't cry at all when we lay him down. I know that people say you just have to let them cry but if Jude is ever crying, he does not stop so I know that something is wrong therefore I don't let him cry it out too much. He is still able to hang out by himself and sleep in the crib for atleast 3-4 hours at a time without me so I don't think I've spoiled him. ;) Every baby is different so I think you just need to stick with what works for you...try things out and if they don't work, try something else!

I hope you enjoy these pictures...I still can't tell who Jude looks like so if you have any idea, let me know! ;)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hard Times: The Loss of Raddle

I know this blog is supposed to be about Jude...but I thought I would share a little something about my family's dog, Raddle, that just passed away on Sunday, February 10, 2008. She was the most loving dog I've ever known (sorry Eli) and she was such a great companion. She went with my family everywhere and did everything with them. Raddle was extremely well behaved and good natured. She touched the lives of everyone she came into contact with. Her loss was unexpected and has been devastating for everyone who knew Raddle. Even though my family got her when I was already in college, I considered her my own. I know that my heart is extremely heavy since her loss so I can only imagine how my brother and sister must feel. She was a their sister and their friend. Also, my mom and dad have to be taking it hard. Over time the pain will subside and our tears will come less frequently but as of right now, we are all grieving her loss. She was such a huge part of our lives and although time will heal the hurt, she will never be forgotten.