Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pictures of the Pumpkin Patch-October 19th

Picnic and the Pumpkin Patch-October 19th

Today we went to Tom Brown Park and the Pumpkin patch at the church on the corner of Capital Circle and Mahan. Jude had so much fun at both. First, we went to the park and went for a walk around the lake with Grandma Bobbi and Great Grandma Diane (G.G.). Daddy stayed behind and cooked hamburgers and hot dogs. Then, when got back we ate and then went on the swings. Jude also went on the slide for the first time. He seemed to like it. He loves to swing too, he didn't want to get out when it was time to go. It was a little cold but Jude didn't seem to mind at all. This is the first cold day we've had this year. When we were finished at Tom Brown, we went to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkin. Jude was a little scared of all the pumpkins at first but after awhile he was ok. We took some cute pictures that are in the next post. He was so good today. He loves being outside. We picked out a good pumpkin and ate its seeds for dessert. It was such a fun day!

Jude's 1st Birthday-October 8th

Today Jude turned 1!! I cannot believe that my baby is 1 already. Time has flown by. The weekend before his birthday, Jeremy's mom and husband came up, Grandma and Grandpa, and we cooked out at Tom Brown Park. For his birthday on Wednesday, Jeremy and I opened presents with him and he got to eat a whole cupcake! He loved it. We have never given him sweets before so he was probably really excited about that. We got him a birthday candle that sings Happy Birthday and he loved that too. He got some great toys and some great cards too. He was reading his cards like books and he carried them around the house. He loved his radio that his grandma got him and his wind chimes that Aunt Karen and Uncle Chris picked out and mailed to him. Miss Donna also got him a snail that sings the ABC's and he loves that as well. I started to sing along with it and now every time he presses the button he looks for me to sing along. He is getting so big. He is pulling up on everything but he is not able to stand without holding on. He claps now and waves although he waves at himself since he holds his hand backwards. It is adorable. We gave him a blanket to sleep with tonight for the first time and he absolutely loved it. He pulled it up close to him and smiled and laughed. He didn't cry at all when he went down either. I guess all this time he was just waiting for a blanket...sad news. Atleast now we know. ;) Thanks so much to everyone who sent presents and cards, Jude and the rest of the Wolter family really appreciate it.