Friday, July 3, 2009

Time Home with the Boys!

Jude with his "cool dude" sunglasses...he walks around saying cool dude whenever he wears them...
Liam demonstrating his superior head control skills and upper body strength.

Jude putting my breast pump parts over his eyes...he thinks this is hilarious!!

Liam somewhat eating his yummy sweet potatoes

Liam relaxing on the papasan chair...with his curly hair and all.
This week I have been able to stay home with the boys for a few days so I took advantage of it by having another Woltie photo shoot. ;) Liam is now on a good nap schedule so the days go really smoothly. Usually our routine is as follows:

1. Liam wakes up between 6 and 7
2. Jude wakes up around 7 but plays in his crib with all of his stuffed animals for about an hour
3. We all eat breakfast and play and then Liam goes down around 9:30
4. Jude and I play some more and then he goes down at around 12:30
5. Liam wakes up around 12:30, we play and he goes back down around 2:30
6. Jude gets up around 3 and we play some more
7. Liam gets up around 4:30 and we all have dinner, and of course, play some more!

As you can see, our day is pretty structured as far as naps go but that contributes heavily to the maintenance of sanity around here so it's a must. Liam is now eating 2-3 jars of food mixed with cereal a day and he is still breasting 5-7 times per day. I have been so blessed to be able to take my lunch break to go feed him and see Jude. Psychiatry has a good schedule, that's for sure. I have one more week of psych and then I start last 3rd year rotation!!! I can't believe how fast it is going. Liam is getting so big, as you can see. Hopefully you can see his crazy hair in these pics. I love it though! Jude is into 2T clothing...where has my baby gone?! He says just about any word we saw which is so fun! He has an amazing amount of understanding about things too. He is really into coloring right now and he wants to color a good 50% of the day. He likes to count but basically only says "8,9" over and over. We are trying to get him to branch out a little bit. ;) He is eating with a fork and spoon now. He basically won't eat without them which is really cute. Liam is getting so big...I cannot believe it. He is in 6 month clothing now. He loves to kick his little chunky legs over and over. He also loves to talk and he is quite boisterous when he wants to be.

Jeremy is doing is busy for him but he is surviving. I am doing fine, third year has been great and continues to be great. I am going to be doing a half marathon in Feb. for breast cancer awareness. I am really excited about it! I have a hard time exercising without a goal so now that I have one, I have a lot more motivation. We are slowly decorating the house still...every time I want to do more I feel guilty for not studying so it has been a slow process. We are in a weird period of our lives where many of our friends have left so we have been feeling that unfortunately. But, we are just enjoying each other and loving the time we have with our family. I know in a year I will be swamped with internship so I need to enjoy the time with Jeremy and the kids while I have it.