Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's Been a Long Time...but We're Back!!

Hi everyone! I bet you wondered if we were ever going to update this thing again, huh? Well, I am going to try and summarize what happened in our lives between July 3rd and now...which will be quite a feat. So, here goes...
First of all, Liam celebrated his first 4th of July and Jude had a ton of fun playing in the water. It is so nice being able to play out in our own yard! (I mean, we are renting but for the time being it is ours, sored of) At this time I was finishing up psychiatry and moving onto ENT and general surgery. Third year was almost done! Liam was growing great, playing with toys, and eating a ton. They are both still loving it at their babysitter's and Jude asks to go there anytime we are in the car. ;)
Skipping a little ways to the end of third year...which was around the first week of September...I was finally in my 4th year of medical school! I made it through the whole time only having to pump for two weeks, the rest of the the time the doctors let me go to Donna's and actually feed Liam. It has been such a blessing. I can't believe how well things have worked out. Jude is talking so much and he cracks me up. I can't even tell you how many times my parents used to tell me that I wouldn't laugh at my kids when they were acting up like I laugh at Christopher but honestly, most of the time I can't contain myself. Even my kids are pretty funny to me. ;) He is starting that terrible two stage I've heard about all ready. It is really funny because since we have wood floors, whenever he wants to throw a tantrum he very slowly lowers himself to the ground and then flails all over the place. I can't help but laugh at that and then he usually laughs too.
Now, jumping ahead to Jude's birthday, we had a party for Jude! It was so fun. We had Dylan and Megin, Christy and Brice, Casey, Kelly, and Kat, and Emily over. Jude was so happy to have friends come over and play with him. He absolutely loved the balloons. They were a big hit with all the kids actually. He was wiped out by the time we opened presents though and his emotions were extremely volatile which was slightly embarrassing when everyone was watching him. But, he had tons of fun and the most classic thing was that once the last people left and we shut the front door Jude said, "Again".
Now for the present time...
Let's focus on Liam for a moment. Liam is now sitting up, going from sitting to crawling and back to sitting on his own, crawling (doing the military crawl), attempting to get on his hands and knees when he crawls, making tons of noises, transitioning out of baby food and into the real stuff, and entertaining himself with all kinds of toys, most notably tupperware. He is such a joy to be around, he is constantly smiling and happy. The funny thing is that he is EXTREMELY attached to me. He cries when I hand him off to Jeremy and everyone else. If he is being held by someone else, he cannot see me otherwise he will start crying again. It is so strange because Jude was not like that at all. Whenever I come to feed him at Donna's he immediately starts crying for me to feed him. Oh, and I have still been able to go feed him there everyday at lunch time. He is only breastfeeding 3-4 times a day now and really he could probably go without the 3rd and 4th feeding if he had to. He has started throwing a serious fit every time I put him in the car seat though. He stops once we are in the car but he tries to get out of there so quick I can hardly get his seatbelt on. Otherwise he is usually an angel. I drove back from Titusville with Liam and he was perfect the whole way. He also sleeps in the car unlike Jude. ;) Whenever we turn music on, Liam will dance, it is too cute!
Ok, so now more about Jude...he is talking away. He repeats everything we say. He has quite a few 3 and 4 word sentences and to us he is pretty understandable. ;) He loves his brother most of the time and he always gives him kisses and hugs. We are working on toy sharing though...
He has a recent love for Finding Nemo and will watch the whole movie if we let him. He also loves Winnie the Pooh. He is starting to get on his tricycle and push himself around although he hasn't figured out the pedals yet. He loves to run around and be tickled. He also really likes to dance. He reads about 1,000 books a day and sometimes it's the same ones over and over which mommy and daddy love. ;) Most of them I can read without looking at the pages but Jude doesn't let me get away with that. Jude is starting to help me clean things up and put his toys back without being told. Somedays are better than others. ;) He has a ritual of sleeping with three blankets, a "papa" (pacifier), and all his stuffed animals. One day we will break the papa thing...he only uses it when he sleeps so I guess that's better than nothing.
Jeremy is busy working on school stuff and finishing up another semester. I am in my 4th year and am currently on an interesting but laid back rotation which is really nice. I have been doing interviews for pediatric residency programs and I am tired of driving so much. I am ready for them to be over. I love this time of year when it is just getting cool and we have so much holiday and family time. We are celebrating Thanksgiving here this year because it is just so much easier with the kids. Well, hopefully I brought everyone up to speed. Love you guys!