Monday, January 4, 2010

Quick Update

Hello everyone! I thought I would send a quick update of the past month. We went down to Titusville for Christmas. Jude loved opening presents and he was actually pretty well behaved at my parent's house. He calls both my parents grandma though which is hilarious. My parent's new dog, Nova, and Eli did not get along and Eli ended up with some staples from a couple of bite marks. That same day Jeremy tore a ligament in his knee playing raquetball. I am the horrible wife who didn't have him go to the ER though and now he doesn't have an appt until Fri so we don't know what is wrong with it. He is still on crutches though and can't drive so I have had to take care of the kids by myself which has been quite a feat. Somehow I misplaced both of my white coats too so getting the kids ready for Donna's got even more interesting this morning. My grandma, mom and half sister came up his past week. I had a lot of fun seeing them even though I was a little stressed with not having Jeremy helping me. Liam enjoyed his first Christmas and he was able to somewhat open gifts too. He started getting his top two teeth (not the middle but the ones on either side) so he was a little fussy and even more of a Mama's boy. Well, I will post pictues of Christmas soon. Thanks to all of our friends and family for such wonderful gifts and for all the great times we spent together. I really wish we were closer to family.

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