Monday, May 7, 2007

11 Weeks and 6 Days

This morning (May 4, 2007) I woke up and was having heavy bleeding so Jeremy took me to the ER. They listened to the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler and it was amazing. The heartbeat was 167 beats per minute which was perfectly healthy. My cervix was also closed which meant that it wasn't a miscarriage. They still put me on bed rest though and said that it could progress to a miscarriage. So, I was just resting and praying that everything was fine. On Monday morning, May 7, 2007, I went and saw Dr. Morales. He answered all of my questions and performed an ultrasound. The baby was kicking and moving all over the place! The baby's heartbeat was healthy again and it's size was appropriate for gestational age. Dr. Morales was able to see a spot where blood had collected due to incomplete fusion of the amnion and the chorion which doesn't actually happen until the end of the first trimester. I still have a couple of weeks before I am in my second trimester. So, Dr. Morales believes that it will correct itself but until then, I am on limited activity and therefore will have to complete my practicum later in the summer. The placenta is completely attached though so there is no risk of a miscarriage that he could see. The bleeding has slowed down significantly since Friday. Praise God that everything is ok!!


Carin&Mike said...

Praise God!!!

lynn said...

I just spoke to Jeremy and I really feel that things must be alright with you. Please know that you and yours are in my prayers