Saturday, November 3, 2007

Back by Popular Demand

Sorry for the hiatus...things have been a little busy around here. ;) Since this is a post-test weekend, I figured I had no excuse not to update the blog. Jude is doing awesome! He has been to the doctor three times since coming home from the hospital. The last time he received a great report. He has surpassed his birth weight (his last weight was 5 lb 14 oz) and his color is looking much better. He has been breastfeeding well and sleeping pretty good too. We celebrated his first Halloween, but of course I forgot to take pictures. He didn't have a costume though so that's ok. On Monday Jude will be four weeks old. I can't believe how the time has flown by. School has been going well (I guess we will know for sure once I get my test grade back from Friday). It has been awesome having Jeremy here with Jude while I am at school. It takes so much stress off of me. Jeremy has been absolutely amazing with Jude, I couldn't ask for a better husband. ;) He loves being a daddy!

I have my post-partum appointment this Wednesday and Jude is also getting circumsized then. I feel bad for the little guy. Jude's next doctor's appointment after that is not until December 11th when he will receive his first round of shots.

As of this weekend, Jude has finally been able to meet all of his grandparents! We can't wait for him to meet the rest of the family and spend more time with everyone. Thanks for all of your support and keep praying for us...especially around 3 am if you happen to be up then. ;)

Here are some pics since the last time I posted...some of them are from his very first car ride and his very first bath!!

1 comment:

Lacy Carroll said...

I was not at all surprised by the hiatus. :) I understand completely! I did miss your updates though. I tend to read your blog when I'm awake with Violet in the middle of the night. Glad you're all doing well!