Friday, April 10, 2009

The Trip to Titusville

Jude, Liam, and I decided to go down to Titusville to visit my family. It was so much fun and I am so glad we did it. I was a little nervous about driving down there with the two kids by myself but it went really well. We stopped in Gainesville on the way down and saw Kelli and Ricky and ate some delicious Chipotle. ;) We also got to see Terri and Kevin while we were there. Jude loved feeding Zoey pretzels and swinging with Kevin. Liam fell asleep on Terri for basically the whole time we were there which was great...gave me a nice break. ;) Lauren stopped by for a little while too and was able to see both of the boys. We had a birthday celebration for Aunt Janet and my cousin Eric while we were down there. It was so great to see everyone. Grandma Veronica helped me so much while we were down there...what a blessing. It was like Spring Break for me! Jude was sad when we left, he cried in the car for Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Karen. I know that Jude loves Uncle Chris but right now Uncle Chris has a slight aversion to drool and dirty diapers. ;) I wish I would have taken more pictures while I was down there but we were so busy having fun that I kept forgetting. Every time I visit I wish that we lived closer. Hopefully one day that will be a reality...

1 comment:

Kendall said...

Jude is so big and Liam looks so much like you! You have such a beautiful family :)