So, here it is February 27th already...geez how the time flies. The pics above are Liam's first Christmas and Jude's 3rd. Jude is so into opening presents now and he is so funny because he says, "WOAH!" every time he opens one. The only problem is that he keeps asking for more and that is somewhat embarrassing when there aren't anymore...we'll work on that. Since I las wrote, Liam got his most medial 4 top teeth in. So, now he has the bottom two and the top 4. His smile just cracks me up. Liam just started pulling himself up the other day. Last Sunday, the 21st, I was reading a book to Jude on the couch and Liam snuck up and pulled himself up. Yeah, he's a little behind but he's progressing so whatever. He's now at the point where he can take quite a few steps while holding onto my hands. He is finally taking whole milk instead of refusing milk altogether. He would never take formula and I had cut back to breastfeeding him to twice a day by the time he was 1 so he didn't gain very much weight. He was 19 lbs and at the 5th percentile when we went to the doctor's a couple of weeks ago so they were not happy with me. He is now drinking milk and he eats a ton so I am sure he's gaining more weight. He was in the 50th percentile for length and 95th for head circumference. He has quite a few words now: night night, pa-pa (for pacifier), ball, block, yum, dada, mama, cup, and the worst one...mine. Jude was playing on the floor the other day and Liam wanted to play with the same toy and Jude said, "No, mine!" and Liam screamed right back, "mine!" Jeremy and I just looked at each other...we can thank big brother for that lesson. I have been driving the mustang with both kids in it since Jeremy needed Moby in order to drive with his left leg so we turned Liam's car seat around already. Yes, it is 20 lbs and 1 year old but I am sure he's gained a pound in the past 3 weeks. Liam is still breastfeeding right before bed. I tried to get away with not doing it last night and he wasn't having it. Really it's not hurting anything so I didn't want to push the issue too hard. He's so funny though because whenever he is over tired he laughs at everything. He is the most pleasant, joyful baby. Every time I am around him I can't help but smile. I love to just cuddle with him and rock him in the rocking chair. I sure do miss him during the day...
Jude is such a character. He is just adorable and he is talking SO much. He's like a little person, you know?! He's finally catching on to the whole manners thing with saying please and thank you. He loves to do something for you and say thank you for you too. ;) I have been saying "Good morning Jude!" every morning that I come in and get him out of his crib so now whenever he sees me he says, Good morning Mama!" He loves to make Liam laugh. He will just start cracking up and look at Liam until he starts laughing and then they just keep laughing for no reason. I guess they really are my sons. ;) Jude is such a sweet boy. He loves to read Liam books. He doesn't like when I help though, he says, "No Mama, reading Liam a book." Recently Jude's favorite thing has been to play in his crabbie sandbox that Grandma and Grandpa Clifford got him. We bought him some beach toys and he will literally play in there for hours. He makes me and Liam get in there with him so it is a pretty packed crabbie. ;) Last night we took Jude and Liam to Chuck E Cheese's for the first time. He had so much fun! He has a more laid back, passive personality though so we had to make sure he actually got turns on the games. Then, today we took them to Zoinks funstation. I loved this place!! They have those big blow up bouncy things and some games and it was only $5 for each of them to play. there was a special area for Liam and he loved it. Jude had a blast and enjoyed playing with the other kids that were there. He also rode on a little miniature merry go round and he thought that was hilarious. He tried to get off at one point though and fell so that wasn't too fun. Jeremy has a video of the ride so maybe we will post it soon. I can't believe how much my boys are growing. They are such a joy to be around and I love watching them interact with each other. I love having them so close together in age even though it can be a lot of work sometimes.
In other news, Jeremy is now walking with a cane. That is an improvement from crutches, believe me. He has been doing physical therapy 3 times a week and that is helping but he still doesn't have full range of motion of his knee. He is able to drive with his right leg for short distances now though. Dr. Wong said that he has so much scar tissue built up that it is going to take a while to get back to normal. He also mentioned that he might not need a second surgery though because he doesn't have the instability that you usually get without an ACL. So, we'll see about that. I start my last required rotation of 4th year on Monday. I get to do another adult medicine rotation for 18 days straight. It makes me a little sick to my stomach to think about it but I am sure or atleast I hope the time will fly by. Then, I get 7 days off!! I will have to take a test at the end of that but passing is good for me at this point. I am so ready to be done. It takes a lot for me just to go to work everyday let alone to study anymore...I guess that's good ole' senioritis kicking it. The fact that every required rotation we have is heavily adult medicine focused doesn't make it any easier. Well, sorry for the novel but thanks for keeping up with the Wolter's!
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