Monday, April 5, 2010


So, I am actually posting a day after the event I am writing about...can you believe it?! I had the day off so that might have something to do with it...;)

The boys started the day off with opening their Easter baskets. They loved all of the fun toys in there but I think the harmonicas and the book that you can paint with water and colors magically appear were the big hits. They weren't too big on the candy but that's probably a good thing. Liam had fun playing with the grass in the baskets too. Then, we went outside and had an Easter egg hunt. At first Jude was not into it because all he wanted to do was going inside and color his new book but eventually he got into it. He kept saying he found them all after each egg and by the end we were having to lead him to the general vicinity so that he could find "just one more". Liam immediately found two eggs that he held in each of his hands the whole time. He liked the noise they made when he shook them since mommy and daddy put jelly beans in them. He is really into crawling up and down steps now so he just kept crawling up and down the steps to our deck.

I was a lazy Momma and I didn't cook anything traditional or over the top for Easter. I wish I would have looking back but I guess there is always next year.

Some updates on Liam and Jude's progress unrelated to Easter are as follows:
1. Liam is quite vocal now and he can say out, momma, dada, no, mine, more, woo hoo, boom boom boom (noise that a drum makes), yummm, Jaden, Donna, and he can put his little finger on his lips and say Shhh.
2. Liam is cruising now and keeps trying to stand up without holding onto anything. He is definitely making progress!
3. Liam must be getting his molars in because his gums are SO swollen and he is not my little LiLi...he is just not his usual self. Thank God for Motrin!!
4. Liam is getting so good at giving hugs, he wraps his little arms around your neck and squeezes his little cheek against yours. He also gives great open mouth kisses and he will grab you and pull your face toward is hilarious!!
5. Jude is talking SO much. Some of his favorite phrases are, "What ya doin' Momma?", "Whatcha lookin for?", Where we goin'?", "Who's that?", "Liam, you stop it", "I said No", "That's so fun", "Like a big boy", and many, many more. Some of those have definitely caused me to speak a little nicer and use the words please and thank you more often. ;)
6. Jude is a pro at stairs now and he insists on walking and basically doing everything "Like a big boy", which means he wants to do it without any help.
7. We changed Jude's crib into a big boy bed on March 31st. He has done so well with it and he has only climbed out of his bed before we came in there once.
8. Jude is going through this phase where we have to really stay on top of him to eat anything. He still likes everything for the most part, he just has to be told again and again to eat.

Well, I think that about sums up our two sweet boys. What a joy they are! I am not looking forward to being gone so much next year but I have to press on so that one day I can have a normal schedule and be able to spend more time with them. That will be a beautiful day...

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