Saturday, June 30, 2007

20 Weeks

Today I am 20 weeks pregnant. We went and saw Dr. Morales on Wednesday afternoon and we had another ultrasound. The baby looked awesome and I was able to see the distinct chambers of the baby's heart. In the waiting room Jeremy and I decided we were going to find out the sex of the baby just because of the excitement of it all but Dr. Morales got called away on a delivery and I had to come back without Jeremy in the afternoon. When I got into the room Dr. Morales asked me if I wanted to know the sex of the baby and I was really unsure so he said he would look and see if it was even possible to determine it based on how the baby was positioned. While he was looking, he told me how exciting it is to wait until the baby is born to see if the baby is a boy or a girl and he reminded me of why we were going to wait in the first place. Dr. Morales was able to see the sex of the baby but before he told me he asked what my decision was. I decided to wait (again) and therefore we still don't know the sex. I just keep thinking about how exciting it will be to find out for the first time in the delivery room.
I have been feeling great and I haven't been too tired. So far I have gained around 7-9 pounds which isn't too bad. ;) I can feel the baby kick whenever I am sitting or lying down. I can also see my belly moving when the baby moves which is so much fun!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

18 weeks and 4 days

I am now a little over 4 months pregnant. This trimester has been great, I haven't felt sick at all and I have all my energy back. I get out of breath much easier but other than that, I am feeling great. I was able to go to Titusville and see my family for about 8 days which was great. I am now showing quite a bit. I can feel the baby kick and move all the time and I absolutely love it. In the mornings the baby usually completely rearranges itself before I get out of bed. The baby tucks itself up high in my belly. It is so much fun to feel him/her move around like that. So many of my family and friends have blessed me with maternity clothes (or regular clothes that serve as great maternity clothes). I am working on getting one of our closets cleaned out so that we will have room for the baby's clothes when he/she comes. I have another doctor's appointment next Wednesday so we need to make up our mind about finding out the sex of the baby or not by then. It is such a tough decision. Being pregnant has been the most amazing experience of my life and it keeps getting better everyday!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

16 weeks and 3 days

I went to see Dr. Morales last Wednesday, May 30th. He did an ultrasound and saw that the amnion and chorion was completely fused so I shouldn't have any more bleeding! I was able to see the baby's skeleton which was amazing. The baby was moving around all over the place. The baby was in the breech position though so we weren't able to see the sex...and we aren't sure if we want to know. So, we have four more weeks to decide on whether to find out or not. I have not had any bleeding since May 16th or for 19 days. For the past few days, I have been able to feel the baby kick! That is the most amazing feeling. Jeremy has yet to feel it though. I have been feeling great with lots of energy and a good appetite. I am also showing! I am officially in maternity clothes now. ;) The baby is currently taking his/her first trip to TN. The baby's very first vacation was the Carabelle Beach last weekend. Thank you for all of your prayers!