Wednesday, June 20, 2007

18 weeks and 4 days

I am now a little over 4 months pregnant. This trimester has been great, I haven't felt sick at all and I have all my energy back. I get out of breath much easier but other than that, I am feeling great. I was able to go to Titusville and see my family for about 8 days which was great. I am now showing quite a bit. I can feel the baby kick and move all the time and I absolutely love it. In the mornings the baby usually completely rearranges itself before I get out of bed. The baby tucks itself up high in my belly. It is so much fun to feel him/her move around like that. So many of my family and friends have blessed me with maternity clothes (or regular clothes that serve as great maternity clothes). I am working on getting one of our closets cleaned out so that we will have room for the baby's clothes when he/she comes. I have another doctor's appointment next Wednesday so we need to make up our mind about finding out the sex of the baby or not by then. It is such a tough decision. Being pregnant has been the most amazing experience of my life and it keeps getting better everyday!!

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