Tuesday, June 5, 2007

16 weeks and 3 days

I went to see Dr. Morales last Wednesday, May 30th. He did an ultrasound and saw that the amnion and chorion was completely fused so I shouldn't have any more bleeding! I was able to see the baby's skeleton which was amazing. The baby was moving around all over the place. The baby was in the breech position though so we weren't able to see the sex...and we aren't sure if we want to know. So, we have four more weeks to decide on whether to find out or not. I have not had any bleeding since May 16th or for 19 days. For the past few days, I have been able to feel the baby kick! That is the most amazing feeling. Jeremy has yet to feel it though. I have been feeling great with lots of energy and a good appetite. I am also showing! I am officially in maternity clothes now. ;) The baby is currently taking his/her first trip to TN. The baby's very first vacation was the Carabelle Beach last weekend. Thank you for all of your prayers!

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