On March 12th, Jude started walking! It was really shocking because up until this point he had only taken 1 or 2 steps on his own (I think Jeremy got him to take 3 before he realized he was walking and he immediately sat down.). So, last Thursday he just let go of the couch, turned around, clapped his hands and proceeded to walk across the entire living room. Wow. I guess he wanted to wait until he could really do some serious walking. Yeah, he is 17 months but come on, there is something to be said for walking across the entire living room on your first try. ;) He then continued to walk for basically the rest of the evening. He loves it! He even dances some and claps for himself...no shame. ;) Luckily, we were able to get it on video tape (not the very first walk but the next 20 minutes or so) so we will post a snip it of that hopefully by tomorrow. For now, enjoy the still shots of our little walking man!
The other news is that Liam got his first set of shots yesterday. It was a sad day. So, this was kind of frustrating, I read a medical study, published in JAMA so pretty legitimate, that said babies who breastfeed while getting shots experienced a lot less pain. So, I asked the doc if I could do that and he said yeah but of course he didn't tell the nurse so when she came in, she was like no. And, being the chicken that I am, I didn't push the issue. But, next time I will. I'll let you know how that goes...;) I made the huge mistake of not giving Jude Tylenol before his first shots and the poor little guy was miserable. His legs were red and swollen and he wouldn't let me put him down for the entire night. So, needless to say, I gave Liam Tylenol. These went a lot better than Jude's first shots. He was a tiny bit fussy but really he's just been more sleepy than usual. That has allowed me to get the house clean though so I'm not complaining. ;) Liam's weight was 10 lbs 8 oz and his height was 21.75 in! He is in the 25th percentile for weight and the 10th percentile for length. I think the difference between the weight that Liam gained and the weight that Jude gained (or should I say did not gain) was due to my ability to stay home this time, which has been amazing by the way. It is so much easier when you don't have to go back to school in 2 weeks...imagine that. ;) Well, I put some more pics of Liam up along with Jude. Enjoy!
1 comment:
this is so awesome! make sure Jude knows about the tallahassee marathon later this month ; ) i bet he waited until the new u2 cd came out so he had something good to dance to!
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