Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More pictures of Jude and Liam

Liam's photo shoot-March 11th, 2009

What a cutie smile! March 8th, 2009

Jude was cute, he tried to get into his rocking chair by himself but it wasn't working out too well. He then kept pointing to the hat and saying, "hat, hat" so that I would put it on his head. So, he just sat there and rocked with his hat on...ADORABLE!
March 8th, 2009

Liam playing on his play mat-March 2nd, 2009
He now watches the animals when I put them relatively close. He likes to watch them and listen to them rattle.

Jude eating out of a bowl without immediately turning it over and throwing it on the ground! This is a big step...come on, get excited!
February 16th, 2009

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