Thursday, October 18, 2007
Day 10: Home Sweet Home
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Day 9: The Homecoming!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Day 8: One Step Closer

Day 7

I actually had a small urge to study today so I did some pharmacology. I have just been doing what I can when I can and not worrying about it too much. I was able to sleep for about 5 hours (spread out over feedings of course) Sunday night so I feel relatively rested. The main accomplishment today was Jude getting better and better with feedings. Jeremy and I are doing well. Jeremy was able to go home again last night and stay with Eli. He is being so cuddly with him so he must be lonely. ;) Poor little guy. Soon enough we will all be there though and he will get to meet the newest edition to the Wolter family!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Day 6: Forward Progress

Friday, October 12, 2007
Day 5: Movin' On Up!!

Jude was given a suppository Friday night to help him get rid of some more meconium and therefore more bilirubin so that his levels will go down. It seemed to work since he had a bunch of poopy diapers but it also made him a little fussy so it was hard for him to eat. But, he did eat quite a bit whenever he finally settled down. He has been eating for atleast 10 minutes every time which is great. Sunday morning they are going to draw his bilirubin levels to see if he can come off of phototherapy. I am praying that all these sticky meconium diapers will bring him to the point of getting off the lights. They have to be good for something. ;)
Today was one of the first times I realized how much this whole experience has taken out of me. Things have been going really well and we are so blessed that Jude was so big for his gestational age and that he has been making such big strides in the right direction but it has still been tough. I just want to be able to snuggle with him and not have to worry about pulling out his IV or pulling his leads off. I also can't wait for him to get out from under the lights and be able to actually interact with him. But, I'm trying not to let myself dwell on those things, I just try to focus on how great he is doing and what a blessing he is.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Day 4: REAL Food!!

The highlight of my day was when Jude's nurse, Deborah, called me in the room and told me not to pump any breastmilk because I was going to get to put him on the breast!! I was so excited. When we went down for his 9:30 a.m. feeding, I was able to breastfeed my baby for the first time. It was amazing! He latched on right away and took to it like a pro. He has been solely breastfeeding now for the past 9 hours and they bumped his fluids down from 12 to 8 which is awesome. After this past feeding at 3:30 p.m., they decided to pump him down to 4 which is great!! I asked the nurse out of curiousity what made them decide to let me breastfeed since I had been told by every other nurse that I couldn't until he was eating atleast 30 cc of formula and she said that Dr. Davenport (the OB that delivered Jude) came down and told them to let me start breastfeeding and she was comfortable with it. She also said that despite the fact that I was asking every nurse if I could breastfeed, she didn't get that in the report given to her that morning and therefore she wasn't even aware of me being so eager to start. So, we were blessed to get a doctor like Dr. Davenport that would take the time to go check on our child when he certainly didn't have to and to have a nurse that respected our wishes enough to let us breastfeed our child. Perserverance is the key. ;)
Breastfeeding continued to go well throughout the day and night. He has started to get a pattern of when he eats so when I come down, he is wide awake and ready. ;) Let me just say that breastfeeding is way less painful than pumping.
The nurse, Deborah, said that if his bilirubin levels begin to decrease and he continues to eat well, they anticipate that he will be able to get out from under the lights and possibly be moved to the intermediate ICU so that we have more privacy. So, as of last night, his levels were 12 and they had been 14.8 so they are decreasing. They are waiting to get one more lab this morning before they make a decision. They reduced his IV fluids from 8 to 4 which is great. Also, if his feedings continue to go well, the will take him off of the IV completely.
So, as you can see, today is going awesome. I cannot even describe to you the feeling of being able to breastfeed my baby. It is something that I took for granted before and now I realize what a privilege it is.
Day 3: I'm Still Hungry!

Day 2: I'm Hungry!

First Day Out of the Womb

As Jeremy has told you in the previous posting, Jude was born at 6:31 a.m. so this posting will cover from about that time to around 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday. I am going to try and keep everything straight and give out as much detail as I can remember. So, Jude was taken to the NICU right after being born. Jeremy was able to go with him there and watch them get his vitals. Right when the nurse went to weigh him he said Jude peed all over everything! The nurse was trying to stop it but it was still going everywhere. That's my little man. ;) Then, Jeremy had to leave while they did the rest of his workup. They intubated him and started him on his first dose of Survanta which is a synthetic surfactant since he was having some difficulty breathing. They also started him on IV fluids and antibiotics prophylatically until his labs came back. He was also hooked up to an ECG to monitor his heart rate and his respiratory rate and oxygen saturation was obviously being monitored. He was put on a heated bed (I am sure there is a medical term for that but I am at a loss) and kept there for his first day.
A nurse practitioner from the NICU came and spoke with Jeremy and I while we were still in Labor and Delivery about an hour after the birth. She came in looking like she had bad news so Jeremy and I were a little nervous at first. But, she said he was doing fine and that they had to intubate him. So, it wasn't a bad report although it was upsetting for me to know that my son was intubated.
Jeremy and I were able to see him about 3 hours later. As soon as I saw him I just started crying and the tears wouldn't stop. It was so hard to see him intubated even though I knew he was doing fine. Also, he wasn't responding well to our touching him so that was really hard as well. We couldn't hold him and he wasn't able to be swaddled so it was obvious that he was not comfortable.
Six hours later he was given his second dose of Survanta through the tube. He seemed to be responding well to these treatments and they made the decision to give him the third and final dose 6 hours after the second. After that, he was extubated at 9:00 p.m. on Monday night. At that point, we were finally able to hold our baby. That was the most amazing feeling ever. He was so tiny and precious. Jeremy was a little nervous at first to hold such a little guy but as soon as he did, he didn't want to give him up. It is obvious that he absolutely adores him. Jude is so content in his arms. By the way, at this point Jude was still Baby Boy Wolter...we didn't actually name him until Tuesday afternoon. While we held him, we tried to determine who he inherited what from. We came to the conclusion that he has my nose and eyes,round face, and chin and Jeremy's lips, fingers, toes, and ears, and possibly my hair. So, he is a great mix. ;) The first day was rough not having him with us but we received nothing but good reports from the nurses and doctors and therefore we were encouraged.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Jude Wolter makes his entrance!!

Jeremy here...I'm going to start bringing this up-to-date as Katie is currently tied up (Medela-wise for those in the know). This post will be just the pictures of Jude right after he was born.
As you probably know, Jude came onto the scene in a hurry (4 hours of labor, 45 minutes of pushing) with narry a doctor in the room. Luckily we had a nurse in the room (Kim), who also happened to be training to be a midwife because I just stood there and gaped with my mouth open. If it had been up to me, Jude would have just laid on the bed as I was transfixed by the little man. Kim scooped him up and gave him to the NICU nurses who just waked into the room.
These pictures are taken while the NICU nurses did their initial probing. I squeezed into the middle of them all and snapped the glamor shots. As you can see, Jude was wide awake. He cried when he first came out (I would too if my head looked like that) but shortly after he was just checking everyone out. I wish the hat wasn't in the way because you can't see his two-step head (he might have been a little embarrassed - hence the fashion statement). He basically had a tree stump on top of his normal head.
About 10 minutes after the photo shoot was done, the NICU nurses swaddled the lad, gave him to Katie so she could say hi and bye all in one and took him to the actual NICU to measure and monitor. They gave us the stats - 5 lbs 12.4 oz (no, that is not 1 lb) and 20" long. (This measurement was changed later to 19"...guess we had an overzealous nurse take the first one).
Well...we are off to feed the young'un. 5 cc's every three hours. We'll post about that (with pics) when we're done. I think Katie also wants to write about the labor process. BTW - Thanks everyone for your's been great!
Friday, October 5, 2007
33 Weeks and 6 Days