Friday, October 5, 2007

33 Weeks and 6 Days

I am 33 weeks and 6 days!! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. School has been extremely busy and it has kept me going for sure. I am getting bigger by the day though. The top picture in this post is me at 27 weeks and the bottom two are me at 32 weeks. My feet and ankles have started swelling in the past couple of weeks and I basically can't wear any of my shoes except for my lime green crocs. ;) Jeremy and I went and bought a new pair of clogs though so those should work as well...I love my clogs but there are some things that just don't go with lime green. ;) I have had a little bit of heartburn as well but nothing unbearable. We still have not set up the baby room...but we are planning on doing that soon. My doctor's appointments have all been going well and the baby is in the head down position which is great. I am now going every 3 weeks and my next appointment is Monday, October 8th with Dr. Morales. I can feel the baby moving all the time which is extremely comforting especially since we have been learning about all of the complications with pregnancy and placental diseases in school. It just makes me realize what a miracle pregnancy really is.

I have had both of my showers since the last time I posted on here and they were so much fun! I have the greatest, most generous friends and family and they really blessed us with so many gifts and with their time. It has been amazing to see the support of my friends and the faculty at school. Everyone has been really understanding and compassionate. I am getting more and more excited about the baby coming everyday. Two nights ago I had a dream that I had a boy but otherwise, all of my dreams have been about a girl. So, who knows!! ;) Many people at school have a suspicion that the baby is a girl but I really am not sure. We will be happy with either of course. ;)

I will be taking more pictures and hopefully doing a better job of keeping up with the blog. Thanks so much for all of your support!!

1 comment:

Donna said...

You and baby are truly beautiful. I will be in Tallahassee the week of Oct 29-Nov 2. I hope to see you and Jeremy then. Love to all three of you. Aunt Donna