Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day 9: The Homecoming!!

This post is for Tuesday, October 16th. This is probably the happiest day of my life...today I get to take my baby boy home for the first time!! He slept in my room last night and everything went great. He was able to maintain his temperature (with about 7 blankets on because the room is so cold) and he had tons of wet and dirty diapers. He also ate extremely well. He went for an assessment early this morning at 1:00 am and also again at 10:30 am. He is actually there right now. They are also doing his hearing screening as well. Dr. Zak came in this morning at about 9:45 am and checked Jude out and as she was checking him, she said, "You might want to make an appointment with your pediatrician for tomorrow." So, I said, "Are we going home today?!" And she said, "Yes." Praise the Lord!!! I was so happy. Jeremy was still at home so I called him right away and told him to come get us. I hurried up and packed all of our stuff and we brought it down to the car before bringing Jude down. When we were ready, we went into the ICU for the last time and put our own clothes on our son and put him in his car seat. The nurse helped us bring Jude and all of our wonderful free NICU stuff down to the car. I was so excited! We took a picture in front of the car with the three of us and then we put Jude in and I rode next to him in the backseat while Jeremy drove. He is so tiny and he just looks swallowed up in his little car seat. He did awesome on the way home and he slept pretty much the whole way. He is such a good baby! When we got here, we unpacked his pack and play so that he would have somewhere to sleep (it has a bassinet on the top of it) and then I fed him. We put him down in the pack and play and he went right to sleep. He continued to sleep throughout the day except for when he was hungry. That night he would just wake us up when he was hungry, which was about every 2 hours instead of the 3 we were doing at the hospital. But, I definitely did not have to set an alarm to make sure I fed him on time...he woke me up. ;) Otherwise, he slept so peacefully throughout the night. Brent and Ginger, our neighbors came by to have dinner with us and see Jude. This has been the most amazing day and I can't believe we are finally all home! What a blessing. Jeremy and I are overwhelmed with joy at the fact that we have a baby boy. ;) As things get settled, we would love to have visitors to see baby Jude. We will keep you posted on the time frame of that. ;)

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