Monday, October 15, 2007

Day 7

This post covers from Sunday through Monday morning, October 14th-15th. Since Jude's bilirubin levels haven't come down enough for him to be taken off of the phototherapy, he is still in the isolette. But, they are coming down and that is the most important thing. He has been feeding really well. Before, we had to fight to keep him awake because he was so tired due to his increased bilirubin levels and the phototherapy. But, today he was alot more alert and started feeding as soon as we put him to the breast. He has been doing so good, feeding from around 15-30 minutes still each time. He still has the IV. He has been making alot more poopy diapers and less of the meconium. So, that is great.

I actually had a small urge to study today so I did some pharmacology. I have just been doing what I can when I can and not worrying about it too much. I was able to sleep for about 5 hours (spread out over feedings of course) Sunday night so I feel relatively rested. The main accomplishment today was Jude getting better and better with feedings. Jeremy and I are doing well. Jeremy was able to go home again last night and stay with Eli. He is being so cuddly with him so he must be lonely. ;) Poor little guy. Soon enough we will all be there though and he will get to meet the newest edition to the Wolter family!

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