Jeremy here...I'm going to start bringing this up-to-date as Katie is currently tied up (Medela-wise for those in the know). This post will be just the pictures of Jude right after he was born.
As you probably know, Jude came onto the scene in a hurry (4 hours of labor, 45 minutes of pushing) with narry a doctor in the room. Luckily we had a nurse in the room (Kim), who also happened to be training to be a midwife because I just stood there and gaped with my mouth open. If it had been up to me, Jude would have just laid on the bed as I was transfixed by the little man. Kim scooped him up and gave him to the NICU nurses who just waked into the room.
These pictures are taken while the NICU nurses did their initial probing. I squeezed into the middle of them all and snapped the glamor shots. As you can see, Jude was wide awake. He cried when he first came out (I would too if my head looked like that) but shortly after he was just checking everyone out. I wish the hat wasn't in the way because you can't see his two-step head (he might have been a little embarrassed - hence the fashion statement). He basically had a tree stump on top of his normal head.
About 10 minutes after the photo shoot was done, the NICU nurses swaddled the lad, gave him to Katie so she could say hi and bye all in one and took him to the actual NICU to measure and monitor. They gave us the stats - 5 lbs 12.4 oz (no, that is not 1 lb) and 20" long. (This measurement was changed later to 19"...guess we had an overzealous nurse take the first one).
Well...we are off to feed the young'un. 5 cc's every three hours. We'll post about that (with pics) when we're done. I think Katie also wants to write about the labor process. BTW - Thanks everyone for your support...it's been great!
He is so BEAUTIFUL!!!
He truly is a gift from above.
I can't wait to see him, hold, and give him lot's of kisses.
I Love You 3 and would just like to give a WOOHOO to Jeremy for making a BOY!!!!!
Love Mom, xoxoxoxoxo
3 hours?! I'm impressed. I LOVE the name! Do your best to take this time in. I was looking at Violet's birth pictures from just 3 weeks ago and she already seems so much bigger! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to hear more about little Jude.
My beautiful Katie, you did good! Jude is a combo of both you & Jer! How'd you do that! He is so beautiful. My paton saint is Saint Jude. Little Jude is destined for wonderful things. St. Jude is the saint of impossible things. Best of luck to the three of you. May God bless. Grandma Diane
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