I thought since Jude has been doing some new things that I would go ahead and post before he turns one. Just in the past week, he has been able to get himself from the crawling position to the sitting position. He also pulled himself up to standing using the coffee table a few days ago. He is so cute when he stands up with his little legs and his big head. This weekend I baby proofed a little higher so we now have an empty coffee table. He was having a little too much fun pulling everything off of the table and basically destroying it. We put toys up there for him to find now so that he can keep exploring. He went to the doctor's office Friday and they said he was finally in the 5th percentile on the growth chart! No more montly weight checks! So, of course he has still been eating a ton and drinking lots of formula. He is still nursing 1-2 times each day but by 1 I plan on weaning him off completely. He loves going on walks and going on the swings at the park still. He still adores Eli and cracks up every time he plays with him or runs around him. He likes watching his Baby Einstein movies and his favorite right now is baby Neptune. They are perfect for taking a shower so that is his morning routine. ;) He loves his books and he will flip through the pages and carry them around the house with him. He also loves his new plane that Aunt Karen and Uncle Chris gave him. It makes noise and has lights so it is perfect. He still loves boxes too and we were pulling him around the house in one yesterday (the one in the pictures)and he was having a blast.
I start my Internal Medicine rotation tomorrow so I am preparing for that. I will have long hours again but after that, we have Thanksgiving vacation and Christmas vacation! Woo hoo! Jeremy is enjoying his program and he is starting to flesh out some research ideas. Jude still loves Donna and he has never cried when we've dropped him off. I really think it's been good for him to socialize with other kids. These past few months have been so fun with him and I can't believe he is almost 1. Time flies...
I start my Internal Medicine rotation tomorrow so I am preparing for that. I will have long hours again but after that, we have Thanksgiving vacation and Christmas vacation! Woo hoo! Jeremy is enjoying his program and he is starting to flesh out some research ideas. Jude still loves Donna and he has never cried when we've dropped him off. I really think it's been good for him to socialize with other kids. These past few months have been so fun with him and I can't believe he is almost 1. Time flies...
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