Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jude at 10 Months-August 8th

Jude is now 10 months old! This month he has been getting so much better at crawling. He can crawl really fast now. There are moments when he attempts to crawl on his hands and knees but I think he realizes how much quicker the army crawl is and he reverts back to that method quickly. He is playing well with all of his toys and they keep his interest for much longer periods of time. He is eating so well...Donna cannot believe how much he eats. We send 4 bowls full of food and snacks with him and there are days when he actually runs out of food. He eats everything...we haven't seen him turn down anything yet. He definitely feels heavier now. He is finally getting into 6-9 months clothes although shorts and pants still don't fit unless they are really small because he has such a small waist. He still loves going to his child care and he has so much fun watching the four other boys that are there. He now takes 2, 2 hour naps during the day and sleeps from about 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. That is awesome!! He goes down now without being rocked or anything. He might cry for a few minutes but he usually falls right to sleep. Jude has had a few little upper respiratory things (colds) but nothing major since starting child care. It has been so nice only having 5 kids total and it being in a house where Jude can feel comfortable and crawl around everywhere.

I have been on my pediatric rotation this month. It has been fun but it has been pretty long hours so I definitely miss Jude and Jeremy. Jeremy has been helping so much, I don't know what I would do without all of his help. Jude seems to be very happy though and he doesn't seem to be phased by my absence which definitely helps with the emotional aspect. One day I will have a normal schedule...or so I hope. ;)

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