Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jude at 8 Months-June 8th

This month Jude got his first two teeth! They are the bottom middle ones. His smile just cracks me up now! He had somewhat of a rough time getting them in but it was over in a couple of days. He also sat up on his own for the first time this month. He is getting so big! I can't believe how fast he is growing. He is sleeping so much better at night and he is so much fun to play with. He is really interested in his ExerSaucer toy and any of his toys that make noise. He is doing the army crawl where he drags most of his body by moving his arms and he also does a little kick off with his left foot. It is adorable. His spitting up is getting less and less. He also seems to be getting some more fat on him. Watching him grow is definitely the highlight of mine and Jeremy's life.
The first picture is from Jude's dedication that we had at our church. The next three pictures are from the trip we took to the beach with Grandpa Gary, Grandma Veronica, Aunt Karen and Uncle Chris. We had so much fun! Jude relentlessly attempted to eat the sand and he loved falling asleep to the sound of the ocean.

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