Sunday, September 21, 2008

9 Months Old-July 8th

Jude is definitely in exploration mode. He is crawling all over the house (still in the army style of course) finding tiny things on the floor and trying to stick his fingers in the outlets. We have finally finished baby proofing from the floor to about 2 feet up so that should do for a couple more months hopefully. He absolutely loves Eli and he laughs at him every time he sees him. Eli actually lets Jude pet him for a minute or two before he relocates. Jude is finally taking naps well although they are not very long. He is also continuing to sleep through the night which makes a world of difference. He loves going for walks in the stroller and in his sling. He still hasn't gone through the stranger anxiety phase so I am wondering if he ever will. He is starting to handle going out to eat a little better. He is now eating three meals a day of regular table food so we basically feed him whatever we eat. He is continuing to gain weight. The doctors make us take him in once a month to check his weight since he has also been below the chart in weight.

I started third year on June 30th and he started child care on July 1st. We all really like the lady who is watching him and he seems to love her. He never cries when we drop him off and he enjoys watching the other kids that are there. The child care is helping him to take longer naps. He is just so much fun! He now entertains himself with crawling around and playing with all of his toys. Jeremy and I have been able to have a little more time to get things done now so we are feeling great!

We brought Jude home to Titusville to see the family and to celebrate the summer birthdays. It was so great to see everyone. Jude had a blast. He loved seeing Red, Great Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Irene's dog. Karen really loved taking care of him and she was a huge help. I don't think I watched him for more than 2 minutes during the entire birthday celebration! We had so much fun and we can't wait to go back.
As for the pictures, the first one is of Jude's first experience with blueberry pancakes, which he loved. The second one is of him and Mommy at McClay Gardens on mommy's birthday. The third one is Mommy, Daddy, and Jude at McClay Gardens. The fourth one is at Great Grandpa Jerry's and Grandma Irene's for the summer birthdays. The last one is Jude eating baked ziti. He is too cute!

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