Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Little Wolter on the Way!

July 22, 2008
September 19, 2008

We were pleasantly surprised in June with another little Wolter on the way! I have been seeing Dr. Morales and Dr. Hume ( a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist) and everything is going great. I did have some spotting for about 5 days in July but that passed quickly. I have not had any other issues. I am seeing Dr. Hume just because Jude was premature, not because there is anything wrong with this baby. We found out on September 8th that we are having another boy! We are really excited. They are going to be so close in age that hopefully when they get older they will be good friends and good playmates right away. Jude loves having other kids around so I know he is going to be excited when the baby comes. I am due February 16th so I am currently 18 weeks and 6 days. I am definitely showing now so I have had to make the maternity clothes transition. ;) I have been feeling great, I just had a tiny amount of morning sickness (that happened at night) in the beginning but that was gone by week 12. I was pretty tired during the first trimester but that was about it. I am so glad that we kept everything of Jude's because now this baby can use all of his stuff. Jeremy and I have always wanted atleast two children so we couldn't be more excited. I have managed to only gain 2 lbs so far...which probably sounds bad but I wasn't exactly fit and trim before getting pregnant so that is actually really good. You gain the most during the second half anyways so I am sure I will make up for it. The baby is measuring perfectly for dates so he is doing great. I have a million US pictures because Dr. Hume's office gives me a ton of pictures. Jude had three and this baby already has like 12! I will continue to keep you posted on this wonderful new edition.

1 comment:

Annika said...

how did the shots go? i was thinking of you and praying for you. my appt went fine, the doctor was nice and didnt hurt too much. we'll see if it worked. i got the blog idea from you so you are the smart cookie ;) i miss you too! wish we could celebrate judes bday together, give him a kiss!