Today they put the baby onto a CPAP machine because they said he was breathing too fast. I came in the morning and found him on it and no one called me or anything even though they promised they would if anything changed. When I asked about that I basically got my head bitten off by the nurse practitioner so I realized I just needed to not ask her anymore questions. She told me I was lucky he wasn't re-intubated like he was close to being. She's the lucky one because I kept my mouth shut. ;) His bili went up a little bit to about 11 which was still in the normal range. He hated the CPAP on his face and was constantly pulling it off. He was distressed a lot and it was so hard to sit with him because they wouldn't let me hold him or feed him so I couldn't comfort him. There are so many babies in the NICU with him though that are smaller and sicker than he is though so I know I am blessed. They have taken so many x-rays of him I am just praying that all that radiation exposure doesn't have a lasting effect. They are still giving him antibiotics through a UVC (umbillical vein catheter). He likes his pacifier for a little while but you can tell he just wants to eat. I usually hang out here all day even though I was discharged from CRMC about 2 hours after delivery. So, I just bring stuff to do. They are saying they might let me feed him expressed breast milk from a bottle tomorrow. That would be nice since my child is basically eating his pacifier...sheesh. So, things are holding kind of steady right now. They say they are going to try to wean him off of the CPAP tonight and put him back on the high flow nasal cannula. I have learned not to trust what you hear in the NICU because things change so often so I don't attach any emotions to what I hear anymore. We are still trying to think of a name for the little guy. We are between Liam and Graham. I am thinking Liam right now...
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