Friday, January 2, 2009

Jude-13 Months, November 2008

I cannot believe how fast the time has flown! Jude is getting so big. I am not sure if you can see it, but in the first picture he is actually licking the window of our french doors. That is one of his new things. ;) He is crawling super fast now and pulling himself up and cruising on furniture really fast too. He got a lion that he pushes around the house as well. He is getting really good at it. He didn't used to bend his knees but now he is getting the hang of this walking thing. We will post a video of him walking soon. He has yet to take steps on his own but I am sure that will be coming soon. Everyday he is learning new things. He now says uh oh, mama, dada, brush (for brushing his teeth), and a little sound for milk. He is getting so big!! We absolutely adore him. He has brought and continues to bring so much joy to our lives. I can't believe we are going to have two amazing boys soon!

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