Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome Home Liam!! - January 18, 2009

We are home! Liam's bili was 10.4 which was still ok to let him go with. Our nurse was so awesome, she was a major advocate for us and she really helped the nurse practitioner see that we could handle going home. The drive home was funny because Liam was the most awake I had ever seen him. He kept his eyes wide open the whole time and he didn't make a peep. Maybe we will have one kid who likes the car. ;) When we got home, I fed Liam and then put him down in his bassinet. Of course, he is a night baby so he woke up basically every hour to an hour and a half to eat but I was just happy to be able to hold him in my arms in our own home! Since bringing him home, he continues to sleep most of the day and is up a lot of the night but I am working on correcting that. Hopefully he will learn soon. ;) We went to the pediatrician today and they made us get another bili drawn. This one was 13.6 which is still ok so they didn't make us get anymore phototherapy. We have to get it rechecked Thurs though. He is 5 lb 15 ounces which means his feedings are going well. He is just so tiny. I know Jude was that small but it is hard for me to remember that for some reason. Every time I go to pick up his car seat with him in it I about throw it up to the ceiling because I am expecting it to be as heavy as Jude is now. Jude absolutely loves Liam, he just cracks up at him the whole time. He gets mad when we won't let him poke or pet Liam hard though. So, we are working on that. ;) I think he is going to be a great big brother though. Tonight is my first night alone with Liam and Jude so we will see how it goes. Liam sleeps so much that it should be fine though. Thanks so much for all of your help and prayers!

1 comment:

Annika said...

What a beautiful baby boy! So glad you guys are home and I got to read the story. I will try catching up with you before we leave!