Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 7 of Life Outside the Womb-Liam

Baby Liam heading home from the hospital!!

Today is Sunday. I was woken up at 7 am to the sound of the nurse bringing Liam to me! He is in an open crib now and his bili was down to 8 so he doesn't have to be under lights anymore. He is able to stay in here with me now. It is so great to see him in a normal environment. He has a scalp IV though for his antibiotics but the last dose is at 9 pm tonight. They said they wanted to keep him for another night so that they can check his bili in the morning but I asked the nurse practitioner if I can just follow up at the doctor's office because 8 is really low. She said they will just recheck it tonight and if it is ok, they are going to discharge us after his last dose of antibiotics at 9 pm. I am so ready to be home!!! This has been the best day. Having Liam in the room with me makes all the difference in the world. I just keep holding him and feeding him, it is great! Jude and Jeremy came and visited and Jude was laughing at the baby. He kept trying to poke him though and pet him like Eli. It was really funny. It seems like he likes him as of now. ;) The great thing is that tomorrow is a holiday for Jeremy and Jude so we will all be home together for a day. Tuesday though I will have both boys all night until around 11 pm...I am a little nervous about that but I guess I better get used to it. Liam sleeps so much right now that it probably won't matter. I am just so thankful that I have 8 weeks off! It feels so great to know that. So, it looks like we should be heading home tonight as long as the bili is stable. Thanks so much for all of your support and prayers!

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