Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 3 of Life Outside the Womb-Baby Wolter #2

Today is Wednesday. Baby Wolter #2 is doing better. He is on the high flow nasal cannula now. They weaned him off the CPAP but then had to put him back on the CPAP but he is now finally off of it for good. His O2 sats were always fine, they just said he was breathing too fast. He is really happy to get that huge CPAP machine off of him. His bili is up to 12.5 today so he is still under the lights. He doesn't like his mask for that either but he is less bothered by that than the CPAP. He is getting TPN now and they are letting me start bottle feeding him breastmilk today. He is taking 5 cc's at a time and he is doing really well. You can tell he wants more though but they want to make sure he is digesting it well. They keep checking residuals in his belly and he isn't clearing the food as well as they would like so they are going to put an NG tube in. They had to feed him through that a couple of times but then he was digesting better. They think he just had a lot of stool in there so there wasn't any where for the food to go. Once they gave him a suppository, he was able to digest it much better.

Some of the tension between me and the staff here has seemed to dissipate. I am still not their favorite but they have seemed to loosen up a little bit. It is bad enough to have the stress of a baby in the NICU, let alone to have tension with the medical staff. They are really busy here though and the nurse basically said she thinks he is somewhat getting neglected because he is so stable. So, they are taking longer to wean him off the oxygen than she and I think they should be. It's only $1,000 a day so what's the rush, right?! It is so nice to be able to take him out and feed him and hold him. It is not the same as breastfeeding him directly of course but it is one step closer. His breathing is a lot more stable today which is great. His hemoglobin and hematocrit have come up so they think his bili should turn around tomorrow. You have to have some major patients to have a kid in the NICU because I feel like I just want to grab him and make a run for it. ;)

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